Our Story

In the summer of 2020, when the world was wrought with fear and pandemics threatened to crush all hope, Bere ripped out a page out of C.S. Lewis’ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and wrote a black-out poem. Little did she know that within this page she would find a phrase that would change her life.

Having grown up in Nepal, elephants are her favorite animal. She loves the amazing memories and community culture of the elephants.

While looking at this ripped-out page, “wrestle with an elephant” jumped out at her and immediately sparked her imagination. It was an answer to prayer. She had been wrestling with questions about her purpose in life.

“How can I combine my love of expressive arts with my training in mental health? How can I give people space to process their trauma while encouraging them to grow their creativity?”,

she asked.

As Bere prayed about this vision, she realized she needed help and could not do this alone. This is where her amazing family comes in. When Bere shared her ideas with her tias (aunts) at a prayer meeting, she found out that she comes from a family rich in the arts and creativity. They were all on board. They brought together their background in education, ministry, counseling, business, arts, and their faith in Jesus Christ. Soon, they had all that they needed. Together, they now form the volunteer staff of Wrestle the Elephant.

We have always been a family drawn to the arts. Our grandparents and great grandparents were artists and musicians. Now it is our turn. We get to share our natural abilities, mixed in with our life experiences and education, to serve others.

Bere, Director of Operations for Wrestle the Elephant