
Wrestle the Elephant offers trauma healing and expressive arts services tailored to the needs of your community.

Close-up of dried, cracked earth.

Why trauma?

Trauma can be found in any community. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). Yet, so many of us don’t know how to take heart and heal from the troubles and trauma we face. Wrestle the Elephant is committed to helping communities learn how to take courage and come out of traumatic experiences with hope.

Why expressive arts?

Trauma often hinders our imagination. Expressive arts can help us make sense of our experiences so that we can release them and create new patterns of thinking that are fueled by hope and freedom.

Why community?

We believe that what affects one person also affects the family and community the person belongs to. We were made for relationships, but trauma tries to isolate us. If entire communities are on a journey towards healing, individuals are more likely to truly heal.

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